Monday 7 April 2014

Sex+Violence= Chaotic Society

So over the last couple of weeks In Trinidad and Tobago we've had school fights posted all over social media, had a government minister being put on blast for having an outside thingform one girls being caught performing oral sex at school and a number of cases of one of the most disturbing crimes on the face of the earth, incest 

The prognosis being bandied around is simple. We are a violent, sex crazed society. But have you ever stopped to think why? All you need to do is look around. Everything is centered around sex and violence and to make matters worse we've essentially become desensitized to it all. The only people who are safe from it are those of us who live under the proverbial rock with no WI-FI. So what do we expect the youth to do, our future? They sure as hell aren't going to be influenced by anything a parent, a politician or a teacher says, because essentially the ones that are good influences are not sexy, cool or violent enough. 

So maybe what we should do is not only embrace sex and violence but we use it as a weapon. Since it's the only thing that gets ones attention nowadays, in everything we do we should play either the sex or the violence card. Hell we should probably play them both simultaneously. 

Starting with parenting. Parents anytime you have to talk to your kids, go and find the sexiest male or female ever and make sure they have some violent tendencies and have them talk to your kidsBetter yet just turn on the TV or buy your kid and IPAD and let that raise your kids. 

Politicians forget about the real issues. Forget about giving speeches about pertinent issues and passing some decent legislation or efficiently doing your job. Just ensure that you look hotter than the next person (thanks to the states tax dollars) and smile for the cameras. If possible you should arrange some MMA cage match against your political opponents cause that would surely grab the attention of the populous. Oh and don't forget to throw in some disrespectful comments about your opponent, preferably about their family. 

To those people who provide us with the information we need through the print media. Forget about giving us the cold hard facts. Just sensationalize it, and fill it with gory or sexually explicit material and pictures. Just fill our minds with pictures of sexy men and women with the occasional bit of violence. Now that's doing your job. 

But wait it seems like someone already stole my idea and look how well it’s working! When are we going to realize that we're drawing cards from a stacked deck and therefore we are bound to loose. The way things are going its probably going to be when it's too late, if it's not to late already!